Tag Archives: Twitter

Real Time Web

the-webNot sure if that is a “coined” phrase or not, but if not, it’s mine! I’ve been blogging on texaseducation, twittering, and signing up for a few other web thingys, like friendfeed. I seem to like that one the best, so far and I try not to commit to much else, it’s all so overwhelming.  I found the term, “real time web” from a new twitter friend, he uses twitter peep, like that better Jesse Newhart had much to say about twitter and all things twitter.

Real Time Web is something I’ve been a bit fascinated with and sort of keep coming across lately, especially being on twitter. When I tell friends I’m twittering, they usually  reply “what is that?” I sent my sister an invite, and low and behold I found out that when you do that and they sign up, you automatically follow them too…interesting. She signed up, but has yet to tweet something other than that first tweet.

What I have found is, one of the fascinations with twitter is, the “real time web.” Tweeple find out things, new stories, whatcha doing kinds of things, and just about anything else you can type about, in real time. I sometimes think that may be one of the biggest reasons twitter is catching on and becoming so big. But hey, that’s just IMHO.

Also another new phrase, I see constantly popping up on the web is “Social Networking”, and although social networking is possible in person, especially in schools or in the workplace, it is most popular online. Using such things as twitter, facebook, friendfeed, and many others are pretty much considered social networking.

I’ve come a long way from the days of emailing and a list serv that I joined almost a decade ago. Robert Scoble (the Scobleizer) has much to say about where he thinks twitter should go.

I Twitter!!

200px-twitterWikipedia says Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates, tweets, which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them.

I must say, I was extremely hesitant to start up something else with a website, log-in, another id and password to keep up with, but hey, gotta say…I’m hooked. I’m following TEA, CNN and David Gegory, moderator of Meet the Press (gotta see on Sunday morning, “If it’s Sunday…it’s Meet the Press.” I get updates, I love it. I was also playing around with it and I’m following John Cleese, have always been a big fan. So far, it’s great. I’m keeping up with national news, fun stuff, meeting new friends all across the country. Sure makes you feel good when someone is following you, too!

Just a few Twitter terms:

Tweetaholism – the continued use of Twitter as an addiction that is difficult to control

Tweeter – A user of Twitter (compare: Twitterer).

Tweet – Not only a message on Twitter but another term for a Twitter user (often jokingly mistaken for a Twit).

Tweets – Posts on Twitter by twitterers.

Twittering – To send a Twitter message.

I can be found at Texas Education (my other blog)

Good twittering…